Sunday, June 21, 2009

PIL : That What Is Not 1992

Rising from the ashes of the pivotal punk rock group the Sex Pistols , PiL branched out to a more experimental sound , and their early work is often regarded as some of the most challenging and innovative music of the post-punk era: the NME described PiL as " Arguably the first post-rock group " . Their later music would be somewhat more conventional , and although PiL has been inactive since 1992 , Lydon (the band's only constant member) considers the group " on hiatus " rather than broken up.


Side One

1. Acid Drops
2. Luck' s Up
3. Cruel
4. God
5. Covered

Side Two

1. Love Hope
2. Unfairground
3. Think Tank
4. Emperor
5. Good Things

Size 113 MB
Format : Vinyl LP
Label : Virgin
Made in UK
Year : 1992
Bitrate 320

Take it HERE

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