Saturday, June 01, 2024

Die Spitz: The Revenge Of Evangeline (EP) 2022 + Teeth (EP) 2023

Die Spitz is a mayhem-inciting force founded in January 2022. The quartet (Ava Schrobilgen, Chloe Andrews, Ellie Livingston, and Kate Halter) is known for their unruly stage presence,

bombarding their crowds with a wall of sound.
Die Spitz continues to penetrate the music scene with unparalleled momentum, sharing stages with heavy hitters Amyl and the Sniffers, OFF!, and Destroy Boys. These childhood friends turned musicians have recently premiered two EP’s, The Revenge of Evangeline and Teeth, capturing this live energy. As Lee Ackerley of Austin Monthly put it: “youthful moxie has never sounded so good”.

At a dingy West Campus co-op show last April, I first came face-to-face with the chaotic brilliance of Die Spitz, who incited the mother of all mosh pits upon a crowd of unsuspecting, slightly drunk twentysomethings. When one bandmate tackled another, sending an entire drum set flying like bowling pins, I knew I was in the presence of something beautiful.

Their first year of official bandhood has seen the Austin natives establish themselves as one of the city's most exciting new acts, making a splash with their riotous live shows and head-banging brand of grunge-y hard rock à la Mudhoney. Kate Halter delivers thunderous basslines with a mischievous swagger, while Ava Schrobilgen, Chloe Andrews, and Ellie Livingston (whom the band affectionately refers to as the "Boogeyman") rotate drum, guitar, and vocal duties in a dizzying display of musical multitalentedness. Their name pays homage to garage punks the Spits, whose DIY origins and onstage antics find new life in the group of 19-year-olds.

I caught the quartet at the home/practice space they share in a quiet corner of North University to discuss their second EP, Teeth. The concerningly pleasant 80-degree January weather found us sitting in a summer camp-esque circle in the front yard, carefully avoiding a pile of freshly dropped dog poop. "It's actually mine," quips Schrobilgen.

"[Schrobilgen] and I met in ballet class when we were 3, and we've both known [Halter] since we were 14," explains Livingston. "The three of us were really good friends in high school, and during our junior year, we said, 'We should be in a band,' as kind of a joke. Only when the pandemic hit did we start to get more into it and play every day."
Schrobilgen says: "We just needed a reason to hang out with each other. We had to convince our parents that it was okay. We were like, 'We'll be socially distant in Ellie's garage!'"

The band hosted an EP release party last Friday with Sodomy Cop and Grocery Bag at Hole in the Wall, also the site of their first-ever performance. The night coincided with their one-year anniversary of meeting Andrews, when the band asked fellow hard-rockers Sludge to borrow their drummer for a night. "I thought I was agreeing to play one show. Now, a year later, I'm not in college anymore!" says

Andrews, who is taking time off from studying psychology at UT-Austin to focus on the band. After inviting her to permanently join the lineup, Die Spitz as it exists today was born, thus launching a yearlong frenzy of show-playing and songwriting that included highlights like opening for Aussie stars Amyl and the Sniffers at Hotel Vegas in April and alt-metal legends L7 at Mohawk in October. "It's been the best year ever," Halter confesses. "I wouldn't have thought we'd be here a year ago."

Late July saw the arrival of their first EP, The Revenge of Evangeline, recorded at Austin Signal Studios with financial support from Try Hard Coffee Roasters. In comparison to their earlier output, the

group says, Teeth presents a more polished, intentional body of work. "Our first EP was recorded live over two days, and we really liked that because we're such a live band," explains Schrobilgen. "[Teeth] was produced piece by piece over two weeks, and we were worried that it might sound too pop-y, but the live energy is definitely still there."

"Plus, you can actually hear that there's two guitarists this time," Halter adds. Livingston continues: "It's a very versatile album, but it also all goes together. Chloe's songs are the catchiest, Ava's more straight-up punk, and I'm a bit more metalish. We all have different writing styles, and that makes everything

more open." Despite their cross-genre experimentation, Die Spitz is often pigeonholed as a purely punk band, a move they feel diminishes their musicality and careful song composition. "It's complicated for me, because I actually like punk music a lot, but most of our songs just aren't punk – they're getting more melodic," explains Schrobilgen. Even worse, listeners all too frequently draw comparisons between Die Spitz and well-known all-girl groups. "We're literally called riot grrrls all the time. I'm like, 'What about us makes us riot grrrls?'" groans Livingston.

In spite of these semantic frustrations, Die Spitz remains unbothered. When Schrobilgen recalls one

especially heinous gendered comment – "People always say that we're the self-proclaimed 'boy band with tits,' but we never said that!" – the group erupts in laughter. The phrase sits in the group's Bandcamp bio as a sort of tongue-in-cheek reclamation of the remark. After spending 2022 ticking off accomplishments, what items still remain on the band's bucket list?

"We're hoping to do a West Coast tour later this year. I think another goal that I have, even though I

kind of hate it, is I want to play ACL, just because it would freak out everyone. We all grew up here, so everyone's like, 'Oh my god, ACL,'" gasps Schrobilgen. "We'd scare all the people from high school we don't talk to anymore."
"I want to play a sorority party and ignite the feminine rage in these women that I know exists," laughs Andrews, but I have a feeling she isn't joking.

Interview with Die Spitz (It's Psychedelic Baby Magazine) HERE



Bass – Kate Halter
Drums – Chloe Andrews
Guitar, Vocals – Ava Schrobilgen
Guitar, Vocals - Ellie Livingston


Die Spitz – The Revenge Of Evangeline
Label: Not On Label (Die Spitz Self-Released) – none
Format: CDr, EP, Limited Edition
Country: US
Released: Jul 28, 2022
Genre: Rock
Style: Punk, Post-Punk, Hard Rock



01. Evangeline    2:29
02. Going Away    2:30
03. Uncle Mark    3:00
04. Kill Mr. Jones    1:59
05. Lie To Me    2:50
06. New Bait    2:56


Die Spitz – Teeth
Label: Not On Label (Die Spitz Self-Released) – none
Format: CDr, EP
Country: US
Released: 2023
Genre: Rock
Style: Punk, Post-Punk, Grunge, Hard Rock



01. Grip   3:34
02. Hair of Dog   2:20
03. Groping Dogs Gushing Blood   3:08
04. Chug   3:23
05. Marrowbone   3:49
06. Slater   2:31
07. Monkey Song   4:03



You want my attention
Skin soaked in sweat
Can't wait to enjoy me

So you
Take what you can get

You want my body
And you want my air
Don't you just love it?

Drooling with that stare

Crawl, your way to me
Don't you wanna
Stay, alone with me
I'll break your fucking
Teeth, just wait and see
Lay your hand on me

I've been waiting for this moment
He thinks I'm mild
Just watch my face twist

The ugliest of smiles

Oh now you're running?
Don't you want more?
I like it bloody

I watch you hit the floor

Crawl, your way to me
Don't you wanna
Stay, alone with me
I'll break your fucking
Teeth, just wait and see
Lay your hand on me

Won't you keep me company
I you know must be
So lonely and defeat
Let's keep it that way
Let me feed you spoons
Of dirt and concrete
Baby, won't you stay
'Cause you have got to pay

Both EPs - Flac Size: 505 MB


  1. Nicely, thank you. I don't know anything about this band, but i'm eager to learn.

    1. Incredible, amazing Punk (and not only) band. I adore these girls!

  2. One of the most exciting new bands. Great post.

  3. I'm waiting for their first album like a crazy.

  4. i like my hands bloodyJune 4, 2024 at 8:27 AM

    Rock hard and throbbing.
