

Saturday, December 09, 2017

I know that many links doesn't work . I'm trying to restore all of them . Be patience with me , because I am alone on this Blog , trying to do my best . The other Blogger does n't care . Ok I don't mind . I will restore all the links .I am trying very hard to do this . Many Thanks .Until now I restored 130 Dead Links . I'm trying to do the best I can .
Many Thanks


  1. Zippyshare has ruined many blogger's lives. Get a gmail account and use google drive. You will get 15GB of storage for free. Your links will never rot away.

  2. Hello Kostas, I feel your pain. I'm slowly re-upping some of my older links.
    Would you like to add my blog to your list of liked blogs?

    Thanks in advance, AJ

    1. OK my friend.I will talk with the other blogger and we'll put your Blog to our Bloglist.Please give me some time because we are very busy in this time

    2. @ AJ : Your Blog is in our Bloglist Now .

    3. Kostas; your blog is on mine

  3. Πούσαι ρε φίλε, χαθήκαμε!!! Χρόνια πολλά και να τα πούμε κι από κοντά.

    1. Χρόνια Πολλά και σε σένα φίλε μου . Καλή χρονιά να έχεις .Τρέχω και δε φθάνω , ελπίζω τώρα στις γιορτές να τα πούμε . Ευτυχισμένος ο καινούργιος χρόνος !

    2. Θα σε πάρω τηλέφωνο να το κανονίσουμε. Μάλλον από βδομάδα. Μέχρι τότε να περνάς καλά!

  4. I just stumbled upon these specific posts, WOW. This is hands down one of the top 5 blogs IMHO. To hear about the shits and how you are operating as a mostly one person blog, just phenomenal . I have some idea what it takes, which is why I have never asked anywhere for a repost, I just want to say, I hope you continue to get the enjoyment out of this that you did initially. Replys are like, 1 to 100, I know there are many others who share your musical tastes and I want to acknowledge and be that 1 for 100 others. Also, I worked for A club that was Greek owned, not themed, the owner had painted on a wall "Freedom or Death" as if written on the outline of the circle, so nothing in the middle. I then made T shirts with that, in sort of blood red slightly dripping lettering as painted adding a Fender Jaguar jutting from a rock like Excalibur with the clubs name and address here in the USA. I donated all my time and he bought the blank shirts that I screened here in the US. People loved them. I lived on Ouzo, Souvlaki and Punk Rock for the better part of 5 years and loved it. If I had one, I would somehow get it to you.

    1. Many thanxs for your comment Mr. Rev.LouCifer, I love it!!! Souvlaki is one of the best street foods that you can find, but drinking Ouzo is terrible. I drunk it for the very first time when I was 18 years old, during my vacations in Santorini, and I was drunk for three days vomiting Continuously. It was an ecperience i will never forgret, so that's why I can't even smell the scent of Ouzo.
      ...But this was many years ago.
