Andre Franquin (3 January 1924 – 5 January 1997) was an influential Belgian comics artist, whose best known comic strip creations are Gaston and Marsupilami, created while he worked on the "Spirou et Fantasio" comic strip from 1947 to 1969, during a period seen by many as the series' golden age.

Morris and Franquin were coached by Joseph Gillain (Jije), who had transformed a section of his house into a work space for the two young cartoonists and Will. Jije was then producing many of the comics that were published in the comics magazine Le Journal de Spirou, including its flagship series "Spirou et Fantasio". The team he had assembled at the end of the war is often referred to as La bande des quatre , and the graphical style they would develop together was later called the Marcinelle school, Marcinelle being an outskirt of the industrial city of Charleroi south of Brussels where Spirou's publisher Dupuis was then situated.
By 1951, Franquin had found his style. His strip, which appeared every week on the first page of "Spirou", was a hit. Following Jije's lead in the 1940s, Franquin coached a younger generation of cartoonists in the 1950s, notably Jean Roba, Jidehem and Greg, who all worked with him on "Spirou et Fantasio".

The 1960s saw a clear evolution in Franquin's style, which grew more loose and intricate. This graphical evolution would continue throughout the next decade. Soon, Franquin was considered an undisputed master of the art form, on par with the likes of Herge
Franquin's death in 1997 in Saint-Laurent-du-Var didn't quite elicit the kind of worldwide posthumous homage Herge received.
However, 2004 saw the first major museum retrospective of his work, an exhibit called "Le monde de Franquin", in Paris' Cite des Sciences et de l’Industrie this exhibition was continued in 2006 in the city where he was born, Brussels, the latter was fully bilingual (French/Dutch). In 2005, a Walloon survey elected him as the "16th greatest Belgian ever".
Tar - Petroil Oil And Feathers ( Πίσσα και Πούπουλα)

1. Out there in the beautiful seas ,a great Petrol Oil ship navigates
full of many thousand tones of Petrol Oil

2. a. What the fuck ? Who was on the guide ?
b. You asshole !
b. You asshole !

3. a. Always happen it to us . Fuck !
b. From Pandonlemek , to Saint Poual Bigorno , Antarctica ,
all the beaches are full of petrol
b. From Pandonlemek , to Saint Poual Bigorno , Antarctica ,
all the beaches are full of petrol

4. a. Oh! Mercyful God ! Please have mercy for your children
in this black moment ! Only you can make desapear all this terrifying tar .
Please God , make a miracle !
b. Yes ! Let us see a great miracle !
in this black moment ! Only you can make desapear all this terrifying tar .
Please God , make a miracle !
b. Yes ! Let us see a great miracle !

6. ... An other accident happened today in the same area .
A big explosion destroyed a cargo airplane
who was trasfering a tone of feathers
destinated to a factory producing blankets and coverlets .
A big explosion destroyed a cargo airplane
who was trasfering a tone of feathers
destinated to a factory producing blankets and coverlets .
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