New music from the Archaic Greek Era
The course of the group in Greece as well as abroad is significant, beginning from their performance in the Athens Concert Hall, as well their appearance in the Italian Festival of Alternative Music and Contemporary Musical Trends, TIME ZONES, in October 1997, and the International SFINX Festival in Belgium, in the summer of 1998.
In Greece simultaneously with the groups tour, their participation in the performance "Angel Wings" at the Ancient Theatre of Delphi, was very impressive and welcomed by the critics.
In the summer of 1999 they wrote the musical scores for the theatrical performance "Andromaxi" by Euripides that was performed on tour all over Greece and at the Herodio Theatre. On November of the same year they composed the music and were actively involved in the musical "Adam and Halima" that was performed at the National Lyrical Theatre.
In 2001 they released their fourth album "Kosmon", featuring renowned Egyptian singer Natacha Atlas, under the label of E—TERRA MUSIC PRODUCTIONS.
1. Γενεσις Genesis
2. Κοσμον Kosmon
3. Γαια Gaia
4. Ελξη Attraction
5. Ληδα Lida
6. Σπονδη Mystic dedication to the Gods
7. Γερανος Geranos , Crane
8. Πανδωρα Pandora
9. Υδωρ και αηρ Water & Air
10.Εξοδος Exit
Size 158 ΜΒ
Bitrate 320

Many thanks to my friend Antonis Garinis
(Drummer of Spiridoula, Dionissis Savvopoulos, Mikis Theodorakis, Trihordo) who gave me this album . Να' σαι καλα ρε αδερφε , να βρισκωμαστε στο συνοικιακο σουβλατζιδικο του Χαλανδριου και να ρουχλιαζουμε με μπιρες . Ξερεις εσυ !!!
Natacha Atlas & Marc Eagleton Project, The - Foretold In The Language Of Dreams
Label: Soyuz Music, Soyuz Music
Country: Russia
Released: 2004
In this album
are in the tracks 6 & 9
are in the tracks 6 & 9
Ααααα...πολύ ωραία.
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