

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Στερεο Νοβα - Τεκνο EP [1994]

ΤΕΚΝΟ 12''
FM Records 2076

Label: FM Records
Catalog#: FM 2076
Format: Vinyl, 12", EP,
Country: Greece
Released: 1994
Genre: Electronic

Η ιστορία των σΝ ξεκινά το 1986, όταν βρίσκονται μαζί οι Κωνσταντίνος Βήτα, Μιχάλης Δέλτα και Αντώνης Πι με αρκετές μουσικές ανησυχίες και κάνοντας μουσικούς πειραματισμούς. Επηρεασμένοι από τον ήχο της acid γράφουν κάποια κομμάτια και σχηματίζουν ένα instrumental (ορχηστρικό-χωρίς στίχους) γκρουπ με το όνομα Bobby Blast. Κατά το 1990 ο Κωνσταντίνος Βήτα γράφει κάποιους στίχους κι η μπάντα αποφασίζει να τους ενσωματώσει στα κομμάτια της. Το όνομα της αλλάζει σε Στέρεο Νόβα και μέχρι το 1991 ολοκληρώνονται τα κομμάτια του πρώτου τους (ομώνυμου) δίσκου, ο οποίος τελικά κυκλοφορεί το 1992 από την Wipe Out Records. Ακολουθούν κυκλοφορίες αρκετών άλμπουμ και singles μέχρι και την κυκλοφορία του Τέλσον το 1996, οπότε και ο Αντώνης Πι αποχωρεί από το γκρουπ. Οι σΝ θα παραμείνουν για περίπου ακόμα ένα χρόνο όταν και στα τέλη του 1997 θα διαλυθούν. Τα μέλη των Στέρεο Νόβα συνεχίζουν ξεχωριστά τον δρόμο τους στη μουσική μέχρι σήμερα. [Wiki] [Wiki English]

A1 Μόμπιλ [σινγκλ μιξ]
A2 Μόμπιλ [σαμπουαν μιξ]
B1 +
B2 ~

Παραγωγή : FM RECORDS
Επιμέλεια Παραγωγής : Σταύρος Μουφλουζέλης
Ηχοληψία : coti K. Studio Praxis
Μουσική : Στερεο Νοβα
Λεξεις : K.B.
Προγραμματισμος : Σ.Ν.
Συνθετητες και Κιθαρες : Μ.Δ. Κ.Β. Α.Π.
Lay Out : Κ.Β.
Φωτογραφια : Α.Π.
Stolen Bike Music , ΑΕΠΙ c. Ιούνιος 1994

new rip, wav. & scans

Take me here


* 1992 Στέρεο Νόβα - Stereo Nova (Wipe Out)
* 1993 Ντισκολάτα - Discolata (FM Records)
* 1994 Ασύρματος κόσμος - Asirmatos kosmos (Wireless world) (FM Records)
* 1995 The drone compilation - (FM Records)
* 1996 Τέλσον – Telson (FM Records)
* 1997 Βιταμίνα τεκ – Vitamina Tek (FM Records)
* 1998 Ωφέλιμο φορτίο - Ofelimo fortio (Payload), co-produced with Stamatis Kraounakis (FM Records)
* 1999 Σκάζη (live) - Skazi (Scattered Tracks From Live Recording) (FM Records)
* 2000 Μπεστ οφ - Best of (FM Records)
* 2003 Στέρεο Νόβα (reissue) - (Tomorrow)
* 2008 Βικτώρια (best of) - Victoria (SonyBMG)

* * * * * * * * * *
Στέρεο Νόβα
Οι ΣΤΕΡΕΟ ΝΟΒΑ έκαναν την εμφάνισή τους στα μουσικά δρώμενα της χώρας στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του '90. Οι Κωνσταντίνος Βήτα και Μιχάλης Δέλτα αρχικά με το όνομα Bobby Blast άρχισαν να επεξεργάζονται κάποιες μουσικές ιδέες. Σύντομα η ονομασία του γκρουπ άλλαξε σε ΣΤΕΡΕΟ ΝΟΒΑ και κυκλοφόρησε ο πρώτος ομώνυμος δίσκος. Στην πορεία προστέθηκε ένα ακόμα μέλος, ο Αντώνης Πι, ο οποίος αποχώρησε μετά την κυκλοφορία του ΤΕΛΣΟΝ.
Οι ΣΤΕΡΕΟ ΝΟΒΑ κυκλοφόρησαν 5 δίσκους (ΣΤΕΡΕΟ ΝΟΒΑ, ΝΤΙΣΚΟΛΑΤΑ, ΑΣΥΡΜΑΤΟΣ ΚΟΣΜΟΣ, ΤΕΛΣΟΝ, ΒΙΤΑΜΙΝΑ ΤΕΚ) ενώ σύντομα μετά τη διάλυσή τους εκδόθηκε ακόμη ένας δίσκος - συνεργασία με τον Σταμάτη Κραουνάκη (ΩΦΕΛΙΜΟ ΦΟΡΤΙΟ) και ένα (επεξεργασμένο στο studio live και αυτό δεν είναι μομφή) με τίτλο Σ.Κ.Α.Ζ.H. (Σκόρπια Κομμάτια Από Ζωντανές Ηχογραφήσεις).
Περισσότερο από ένα κοινό γκρουπ, οι ΣΤΕΡΕΟ ΝΟΒΑ, για όλους εμάς που τους αγαπήσαμε, ήταν ένα ταξίδι σε όλους τους σταθμούς μιας γλυκόπικρης ζωής. Μουσικές και λέξεις για την αγάπη, την απώλεια, τα συντρίμμια του έρωτα, την ελπίδα, τη νοσταλγία, τη θέληση για ζωή... Ίσως περισσότερο από κάθε ελληνικό σχήμα μίλησαν στους νέους μ' ένα πρωτόγνωρο για τα ελληνικά δεδομένα ύφος : Ηλεκτρονικό μουσικό background, πρόζα, αργότερα τραγούδι. Κάτι τέτοιο είχε κάνει στο παρελθόν μόνο η Λένα Πλάτωνος (δηλωμένη επιρροή του γκρουπ) χωρίς όμως την πλατιά αποδοχή της οποίας έτυχαν οι ΣΤΕΡΕΟ ΝΟΒΑ.
Η ιστορία έδειξε ότι πρώτα έγιναν αποδεκτοί οι στίχοι του γκρουπ και μετά σταδιακά η μουσική τους. Ο Κωνσταντίνος Βήτα (που για κάποιο λόγο πάντα θα συνδέω στιχουργικά με τον Morrissey) ήταν έξυπνος και ταλαντούχος ώστε να αποφύγει τα στιχουργικά και υφολογικά κλισέ που ακόμη και τώρα κατατρέχουν τα σχήματα της ελληνικής ανεξάρτητης σκηνής. Με λέξεις απλές και ουσιαστικές έπλασε ιστορίες και ήρωες χαρτογραφώντας τις αγωνίες και τις αναζητήσεις των νέων στο τέλος της δεκαετίας που τέλειωσε. Τις πλαισίωσε με το ρομαντισμό και τον λυρισμό ενός ανθρώπου που πασχίζει να κρατηθεί γνήσιος σε έναν "κόσμο παράλογο". Τα πρόσωπα στα τραγούδια των ΣΤΕΡΕΟ ΝΟΒΑ μοιάζουν να ακροβατούν μόνιμα στην κόψη του ξυραφιού, ανάμεσα στον ρομαντισμό και τον ρεαλισμό, μέχρι που αυτά τα δύο πλέκονται και γίνονται ένα. Ίσως το πιο χαρακτηριστικό των στίχων του γκρουπ ήταν το γεγονός ότι ξέφυγαν από την νοοτροπία του "περιγράφω μια ιστορία ".
Οι στίχοι ήταν περισσότερο σαν μια βόλτα στην πόλη, με διαδοχικές εικόνες σαν Polaroid και αυτό δεν είναι τυχαίο. Και τα τρία μέλη του γκρουπ κατά καιρούς ασχολήθηκαν με τη ζωγραφική και τη γραφιστική.
Γιώργος Ανδρονικίδης []

Διάλεξα τούτο δω από την δισκογραφία τους γιατί είναι για μένα ένα από τα καλύτερα τους κομμάτια. Πάντα γούσταρα που οι βινυλιακές τους κυκλοφορίες ήταν διαφορετικές από αυτές των cd , ακούγοντας τους πότε κόλλαγα συνέχεια στα κομμάτια με στίχο , και πότε κόλλαγα στα ορχηστρικά τους...

Στέρεο Νόβα : Μόμπιλ (σινγκλ μιξ)

Είναι ο στόχος, ο νέος κωδικός
νούμερο ένα κουτί, ασημένιος χυμός
σκόρπια δύναμη πάνω από χίλια σούπερ μάρκετ
σκόρπια λεφτά πεταμένα και χαμένα
η βροχή σ' έχει ξεπλύνει στις άκρες
σαν ένα κανάλι έχεις απήχηση στις μάζες
σπρώξε με πίσω στον αληθινό κόσμο
σπρώξε με μπρος και δείξε μου το δρόμο
σα διαφάνειες χάνεται ο ένας πίσω απ' τον άλλο
φωτοτυπίες από ένα Ζίροξ μεγάλο
ίδιοι κι απαράλλαχτοι από το ένα ως το δέκα
σε μια ατέλειωτη ουρά στο δρόμο για τη Μέκκα
η επικράτεια της ηλιοφάνειας
απ' την ταράτσα μίας διάνοιας
σα βροχερά εργοστάσια απλώνονται στο χάος
είμαι τόσο φτωχός όταν εσύ είσαι μάγος
κι όταν είσαι τόσο πλούσιος, εγώ δείχνω χαμένος
μ' αυτά που έμαθα όμως είμαι τόσο δεμένος
κι αυτό που θέλω αληθινά τώρα
πνευματική σύσφιγξη, εδώ και τώρα

Είναι ο στόχος, μια ανθρώπινη καρδιά
ακούω τα ψέματα σα μουσική στ' αυτιά
τώρα που τα περιοδικά μου δείχνουν πώς να ζήσω
πώς να κάνω σεξ, να επιβιώσω και να φιλήσω
νέα συμπεριφορά πρέπει ν' αποκτήσω
γνώση, αυτοάμυνα, αν χρειαστεί να σου δείξω
πόσα παγωτά έφαγες για να μάθεις
πως είναι πολυτέλεια ό,τι δε θέλεις;
πως το φιλί κάνει δύο ανθρώπους ένα;
το είπε ο Μαρξ, μα δεν τον πίστεψε κανένας
τώρα πουλάει μπλουτζίν στον παράδεισο
κι εγώ διάλεξα εσένα αντί για την άβυσσο
η επικράτεια της ηλιοφάνειας
απ' την ταράτσα μίας διάνοιας
σα βροχερά εργοστάσια απλώνονται στο χάος
είμαι τόσο φτωχός όταν εσύ είσαι μάγος
κι όταν είσαι τόσο πλούσιος, εγώ δείχνω χαμένος
μ' αυτά που έμαθα όμως είμαι τόσο δεμένος
κι αυτό που θέλω αληθινά τώρα
ομαδική συσπείρωση, εδώ και τώρα

Πόσα πλυντήρια έβαλες για μένα;
πλήρωσα τη ζωή μου για μία μέρα
η τεχνολογία με παίρνει στα φτερά της
κάθε μου χαρά είναι και δικιά της
από τα γκέτο κάθε πόλης στέλνω το φόρο
βιταμίνα τεκ, η αγάπη είναι ένα δώρο
δωρεάν σα σαμπουάν, χημική σα σκόνη
είμαστε ένα στη δύναμη της σιλικόνης
πόσες εκπομπές είδες σήμερα;
από τα μάτια σου θα εισβάλλω στο σύμπαν
η επικράτεια της ηλιοφάνειας
απ' την ταράτσα μίας διάνοιας
σα βροχερά εργοστάσια απλώνονται στο χάος
είμαι τόσο φτωχός όταν εσύ είσαι μάγος
κι όταν είσαι τόσο πλούσιος, εγώ δείχνω χαμένος
μ' αυτά που έμαθα όμως είμαι τόσο δεμένος
κι αυτό που θέλω αληθινά τώρα
εδώ και τώρα


Enjoy your games
and let the others
be electronic victims .

Design by Serre

Fluke - Out (In Essence) [1991]

Out (In Essence)
Label: Circa Records Ltd.
Catalog#: FLUKE 1
Format: Mini-Album
Country: UK
Released: Aug 1991
Genre: Electronic

A1 Pan Am Into Philly (5:33)
A2 Pearls Of Wisdom (5:13)
B1 The Bells (5:41)
B2 Heresy (4:26)
B3 The Garden Of Blighty (5:22)

Ogg & scans
Filesize: 116 MB
Take me Here


A three-piece combo who managed to make inspired music during the 1990s while blazing a path through most of the popular electronic styles of the decade, Fluke was formed by occasional vocalist Jon Fugler, Mike Tournier and Mike Bryant after the three had spent several years living in the same combination house and recording studio. At first an eclectic, widely inspired house-pop act, the three later moved into trip-hop (and the British charts) during the mid-'90s before another leap into big-beat video-game soundtracks by the end of the decade.

Bitten by the acid-house bug in 1988, Fugler, Tournier and Bryant began recording with two singles informed by more-than-competent guitar work, soaring techno-funk and plenty of pop inspiration as well. "Thumper" and "Joni" (the latter sampling Joni Mitchell's "Big Yellow Taxi") brought Fluke much attention in the growing electronic sphere, and they signed a one-off album deal with indie-rock kingpins Creation for their debut full-length, 1991's Techno Rose of Blighty. After completing another record deal with Virgin that same year, Fluke released a live album Out (in essence) and their sophomore masterpiece Six Wheels on My Wagon, an album of poppy, occasionally dreamy ambient-trance which included several previously released singles. By 1995, Fluke had even hit the British charts (with the singles "Bullet" and "Tosh") and their third LP OTO marked a bit of a departure for the trio, a downbeat, jazzy path just beginning to be name-checked as trip-hop. Hitting the charts in an even bigger way during their 1997 return, the trio released "Atom Bomb," a high-energy number recorded for the Virgin video-game soundtrack Wipeout 2097. The single and video also introduced fourth member Arial Tetsuo, an anime race-car driver come to life as concert figure-head Rachel Stewart. Risotto, Fluke's fourth LP, fit in nicely with the growing fanaticism surrounding big-beat techno, though the trio held on to their trance and trip-hop inclinations as well.

* * * * * * * *

Επιτέλους τα κατάφερα... ο δίσκος είναι του Κώστα , αφημένος σπίτι μου χρόνια τώρα , μαζί με πολλούς άλλους , και όλο με τρώει να τους ακούσω αλλά εγώ πάντα κάτι άλλο ακούω , επιτέλους βρήκε την θέση του στο πικάπ και ιδού το αποτέλεσμα της ακρόασης...
Κωστάκη , αφιερωμένο το post αυτό σε σένα...

Little Walter : Hate To See You Go 1968

Little Walter 1930 - 1968

Little Walter, born Walter Marion Jacobs on May 1, 1930 in Marksville, Louisiana, taught himself harmonica age at the age of 8. He ran away from home, formed a group and worked the streets and small clubs of New Orleans in 1942. He worked in the Helena, Arkansas area from 1943-1946, performing on 'King Biscuit Time' and with Houston Stackhouse. Jacobs moved to Chicago around 1946 and played on Maxwell Street and in clubs with Tampa Red, Bill Broonzy, and Memphis Slim. His first recordings in 1947 were for Ora Nelle, a small Maxwell Street record label. After Muddy Waters started recording for Chess in 1947 with Ernest "Big" Crawford on bass. In 1948 he added Walter on harmonica, Jimmy Rodgers on second guitar, and Leroy Foster on drums to his band, and this group of musicians defined the modern blues band through their experience playing in Chicago's clubs. Their first recordings appeared on Chess in 1950, all classics of postwar blues. Walter's innovative playing and distinctive sound from his amplified harmonica contributed heavily to making Muddy's recordings of the early 1950's the magnificent achievements they still are. Walter toured with the Muddy Water's band during the years 1948-1952.

In 1952 Walter left Muddy's band to showcase his own vocal skills. Walter formed a group called The Jukes with David and Louis Myers on guitars and Fred Below on drums. This trio, known as the Aces then, had been working previously with Junior Wells. Their first recordings were for the Checker subsidiary of Chess in 1952. Walter played the amplified harmonica (often alternating standard and chromatic harmonicas) by holding a small microphone in his cupped hands. He achieved a saxophone-like sound that expressed his highly imaginative improvisations remeniscent of the bop jazz saxophonists of the day. Pete Welding has said of Walter, "As a vocalist he manifested the same incisive, resilient swing, the same passionate conviction and intensity with which he animated his harmonica playing."

From 1952 to 1968 Walter recorded about 100 titles for Chess, of which about half were issued on record as of the early 1970's. Previously unreleased material is making its way to newly released CD's. Grab 'em. Walter also recorded frequently as a sideman for Chess/Checker in the years 1952-1968 in addition to extensive touring, including a tour of England in 1964 with the Rolling Stones.

Walter died on February 15, 1968 in Chicago at the age of 37 as a result of head injuries sustained in a street fight. He is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, Evergreen, Il.


This is not an official album of Little Walter's discography

Track Listings

Side One

1. Nobody But You
2. My Baby's Sweeter
3. Roller Coaster
4. As Long as I Have You
5. Oh Baby
6. Take Me Back
7. Everything's Going to Be Alright
8. Mellow Down Easy

Side Two

1. Hate to See You Go
2. I Got to Find My Baby
3. Everybody Needs Somebody
4. Blue Midnight
5. I Had My Fun
6. Key to the Highway
7. Blue and Lonesome

Size 91 MB
Format : Vinyl LP
Label : Chess Records
Made in : New York - USA
Year 1969
Bitrate 320

Take it HERE

Sunday, June 28, 2009

VA : SKA 2009

SKA is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1950s , and was the precursor to rocksteady and reggae . Ska combined elements of Caribbean mento and calypso with American jazz and rhythm and blues . It is characterized by a walking bass line accented with rhythms on the off beat .

In the early 1960s , Ska was the dominant music genre of Jamaica and was popular with British mods.

This is not an official compilation made by the music labels. This is made by " Urban Aspirines " for you . A real medicine of SKA Vibes . An Aspirine for your Hangover . Enjoy it !!! HERE

01. Madness : Madness ( U.K)
02. Bodysnackers : Easy life ( Texas - USA )
03. Specials : Little Bitch ( U.K )
04. Sharp Ties : Get That Beat ( Greece )
05. Rancid : Time Bomb ( USA )
06. Bad Manners : Inner London ( U.K)
07. Selecter : Too Much Preasure ( U.K)
08. Los Pericos : Jamaica Blood ( Argentine)
09. Ska P : Planeta E ( Spain )
10.The Special AKA : Gangsters ( U.K)
11. Madness : Night Boat To Cairo ( U.K)
12. Selecter : On My Radio ( U.K)
13. The Beat : Tears on My Face ( U.K)
14. Bodysnachers : Rocksteady ( Texas - USA )
15. Ska P : Mestizaje ( Spain )
16. Rancid : No Good ( USA )
17. Specials : Ghost Town ( U.K)
18. Skatalites : You're Too Bad ( Jamaica )
19. Manu Chao : Mama Call ( France )

This post is dedicated to my friends Θείος and Tasos . Hope you like it .

Size 131 Mb  Bitrate 320

Cracker : Low EP 1994

Not Available on CD and the official Discography of Cracker . This is a limited Edition EP made in UK . Not available , even , in Amazon Site .

Cracker is an American alternative rock band featuring singer David Lowery and guitarist Johnny Hickman . They are best known for their platinum-selling 1993 album , " Kerosene Hat" , featuring the hit songs "Low" , "Eurotrash Girl" , and "Get Off This" .
Cracker mixes influences and sounds ranging from rock , punk , alt-country , psychedelia , and blues.


Side One

1. Low ( 1993 Virvin Records )
2. River Euphrates ( 1992 Virgin Records )

Side Two

1. Euro - Trash Girl ( 1992 Virgin Records )
2. Bad Vibes Everybody ( 1993 Virgin Records )


Sometimes I wanna take you down.
Sometime I wanna get you low.
I brush your hair back from your eyes.
I take you down let the river flow.

Sometimes I go and walk the street
Behind the green sheet of glass.
A million miles below their feet
A million miles, a million miles


I'll be with you girl
Like being low
hey hey hey like being stoned
I'll be with you girl
Like being low
hey hey hey like being stoned.

A million poppies gonna make me sleep.

But just one rose it knows your name

The fruit is rusting on the vine
The fruit is calling from the trees

Hey don't you wanna go down
Like some junkie cosmonaut
A million miles below their feet
A million miles a million miles

Blue blue is the sun.
Brown brown is the sky.
Green green are her eyes.
A million miles a million miles

Hey don't you wanna go down
Like some disgraced cosmonaut
A million miles below their feet
A million miles a million miles

Size 44 MB
Format : Special Edition Coloured Vinyl EP
Label : Virgin Records America INC
Made in : UK
Year : 1994
Bitrate 320

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Aggrolites : Reggae Hit L.A 2007

The Aggrolites are an amalgamation of two previous Los Angeles reggae and ska bands, the Vessels and the Rhythm Doctors. They formed in 2002 as a live backing band for reggae icon Derrick Morgan, and were asked to record music for a new Morgan album. The project was never released but the recording sessions inspired the Aggrolites to become a permanent band. They have served as the backing band for Phyllis Dillon, Scotty, Joseph Hill of Culture, Prince Buster, and Tim Armstrong.

In 2003, the Aggrolites released their debut album, Dirty Reggae, on local reggae label Axe Records. The album was recorded at Signet Studios in Los Angeles in one day, with each song recorded in one take, and with many lyrics improvised on the spot. In November 2004, the Aggrolites were featured on Hellcat Records compilation Give 'Em the Boot IV, and were officially signed to Hellcat in October 2005. The Aggrolites' self-titled Hellcat debut was released on May 9, 2006. In December 2006 they toured the UK as the support band for Madness. The Aggrolites finished a collaboration with Rancid frontman Tim Armstrong for his new solo album, A Poet's Life. They are providing the instrumentals with Tim as lead singer.

They released a new album on June 5, 2007 called Reggae Hit L.A., which won an IGN award for Best Reggae Album of 2007.

The Aggrolites made an appearance on the Nick Jr. show Yo Gabba Gabba!, created by Christian Jacobs, lead singer of The Aquabats.

The band's name comes from the English slang term agro, which is commonly thought to be short for aggravation or aggression (often referring to violence).


1. Work It (4:14)
2. Faster Bullet (3:12)
3. You Got 5 (2:53)
4. Reconcile (4:33)
5. Reggae Hit L.A. (3:06)
6. Let's Pack Our Bags (4:10)
7. Left Red (3:05)
8. Free Time (3:01)
9. Lucky Streak (3:06)
10. Rhythm & Light (4:03)
11. Well Runs Dry (a.k.a. Free Soul) (3:31)
12. Hip to It (2:58)
13. Fire Girl (3:20)
14. Baldhead Rooster (Chapter 3) (3:11)
15. We Came to Score (3:50)
16. Hidden Track (18:35)
The hidden track is composed primarily of repeating drum beats.
There is also another hidden track on this album. If one rewinds the CD from the beginning of "Work It", there is a honky-tonk style instrumental song.

Reggae Hit L.A. is the third full-length studio album from Los Angeles reggae band The Aggrolites. It is also their second album for Hellcat Records, following their May 2006 self-titled release. The album was released 2 weeks after Tim Armstrong's debut album, A Poet's Life, on which The Aggrolites served as the backing band.

Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε. Ερχονται στην Ελλάδα !!!

26 August
Thessaloniki : Block 33

27 August
Athens : AN Club
Χάλια θα περάσουμε ! Εχουμε να κάνουμε δουλειές με φούντες .

This album won an IGN award for Best Reggae Album of 2007.


Jesse Wagner - Vocals, Lead Guitar
Roger Rivas - Organ, Piano
Brian Dixon - Rhythm Guitar
J Bonner - Bass
Korey "Kingston" Horn - Drums

Additional Musicians

Tom Cook - Trombone
Boogie Jones - Saxophone
MC Junor Francis - DJ on "You Got 5"
Background chants by Nicki Mansuetti, Christina Wagner, and Gabe Aguirre


Hellcat Records

Ευχαριστώ πάλι αυτό το παλιοPunkόσκυλο τον Τάσο που ντρέπομαι να τον έχω φίλο μου !
Τι θα πει ο κύκλος μου με τέτοιες γνωριμίες ?
Με τι μούρη θα βγω εγώ στο Κολωνάκι ?
Πως θα εμφανιστώ στη δεξίωση του κυρίου Πρέσβη δίπλα στη Ντόρα ?

Size 164 MB
Bitrate 320

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Foetus : Sink 1995

Foetus is the primary musical outlet of industrial music pioneer J. G. Thirlwell. Until 1995 the band underwent various name changes, all including the word foetus. Monikers adopted at different times include Foetus Under Glass, You've Got Foetus On Your Breath and Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel. After 1995 the name permanently became Foetus, though the related project The Foetus Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1997 and continues.

Thirlwell acts as the sole instrumentalist, vocalist, songwriter and producer for all Foetus works and as such is the only member of the band. Other artists may occasionally collaborate with Thirlwell on Foetus works but are not considered members of Foetus. Thirlwell is solely responsible for the musical output of the band.


01. Bedrock [7:07]
02. Ramrod [5:49]
03. Boxhead [3:40]
04. Lilith [4:17]
05. Shut [:54]
06. Diabolus In Musica [7:06]
07. Smut [3:44]
08. Sick Minutes [2:20]
09. Rattlesnake Insurance [1:49]
10. Himmelfahrtstransport / Primordial Industry [2:08]
11. Spit On The Griddle [3:39]
12. Anxiety Attack [5:44]
13. Baphomet [1:05]
14. Dead Christian [3:21]
15. Halo Flamin Lead [4:24]
16. OKFM [4:25]
17. Catastrophe Crunch [4:12]
18. Wash [3:57]
19. Slog [4:51]
20. Calamity Crush [4:12]

Bonus Track : Satan Place


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I know there's no respite for me
even the worm that never dies has left
I've never been so exhausted
I think I'll go to bedlam
I'm walking through the mud knee deep in blood
and I just realized where I'm


On a one-way trip down SATAN PLACE
Is this purgatory necessary?
I'm wearing a suit of tar and feathers
The fallen angel they could never bury
I'm knock knock knock knockin' on death's door.

Do you remember where you've seen this cadaver before?
This swan-song's floating on a watery grave

(I'm on a one-way trip down SATAN PLACE
I'm on a one-way trip down SATAN PLACE)

If I had a soul
I'd go to heaven
because I've been living through hell

My alarm clock every morning is an eternal tolling bell
The two headed dog's been chewing my leg off for seven hundred years
Three wise-guy monkeys on my back,
roaches in my eyes and ears

I'm on a one-way trip down SATAN PLACE
Is this purgatory necessary

I'm wearing a suit of tar and feathers
The fallen angel they could never bury
I'm knock , knock , knock , knockin' on death's door

Do you remember where you've seen this cadaver before?
This swan-song's floating on a watery grave

I'm on a one-way down SATAN PLACE
I'm on a one-way down SATAN PLACE
..SURF'S UP!..

Dancing to the pipes of pandemonium,
second on the left after the
Botttomless pit.

My death's given birth to a live beyond worth

I'm gonna ride the wild surf in the bowels of the earth
I'm HANGIN' TEN! on the final tidal wave in hell
I'm the last surfer in HELL (He's the last surfer in hell!)
I'm the last surfer in HELL (He's the last surfer in hell!)


I'm on a one-way trip down SATAN PLACE

Is this purgatory necessary?

I'm wearing a suit of tar and feathers
I'm the fallen angel they could never bury
I'm knock , knock , knock , knocking on Death' s door

Do you remember where you've seen this cadaver before?
This swan-song's floating on a watery grave...

Blow your brains out baby
I' m on a place - way trip down SATAN PLACE
I' m a one - way trip down SATAN PLACE

Size 190 MB
Bitrare 320

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Larry Coryell : Coryell 1969

Coryell was born in Galveston, Texas on April 2, 1943. After graduating from Richland High School in eastern Washington, he moved to Seattle to attend the University of Washington. In 1965, Coryell moved to New York City where he became part of Chico Hamilton's quintet, replacing Gabor Szabo. In 1967 and 1968, he recorded with Gary Burton and Jim Pepper. His music during the late-1960s and early-1970s combined the influences of rock , jazz and eastern music. He formed his own group, The Eleventh House, in 1973. Following the break-up of this band, Coryell played mainly acoustic guitar, but returned to electric guitar later in the 1980s. In 1979, Coryell formed "The Guitar Trio" with jazz fusion guitarist John McLaughlin and flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucia. The group toured Europe briefly, eventually releasing a video recorded at Royal Albert Hall in London entitled "Meeting of Spirits". In early-1980, Coryell was replaced by Al Di Meola, due to drug addiction.

He has over 60 recordings under his belt. He currently lives near Orlando, Florida, and still continues to perform and write music. Larry's two sons, Julian Coryell and Murali Coryell are also actively involved in the music business.

Among others, he has performed with: Eric Clapton, Chick Corea, Albert Dailey, Jimi Hendrix, Paco de Lucia, John McLaughlin, Billy Cobham, Keith Jarrett, Miles Davis, Jaco Pastorius, Al Di Meola, Bireli Lagrene, Emily Remler, Kazuhito Yamashita, Brian Q. Torff, The Head Shop, Sharon Isbin, Laurindo Almeida, Players Association and Larry Gray.

Side One

01. Sex
( The Guitars in this track are simple incredible )
02. Beautiful Woman
03. The Jam With Albert

Side Two

01. Elementary Guitar Solo #5
02. No One Really Knows
03. Morning Sickness
04. Ah Wuv Ohh

Larry Coryell : Guitar , vocals , piano
Bernaed Purdie : Drums
Albert Stinson : Bass
Ron Carter : Bass
Chuck Rainry : Guitar , bass
Mike Mandel : Organ , piano , guitar

Size 92 MB
Format : Vinyl LP
Made in USA
Year 1969
Label : Vanguard Recording
Bitrate 320

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

VA : Punk and Disorderly N0 2 1982


1. GBH : Sick Boy
2. The Expelled : Dreaming
3. The Insane : El Sasvador
4. One Way System : Stab The Judge
5. Court Martial : Gotta Get Out
6. Action Pact : London Bouncers
7. The Dark : The Masque
8. Violators : Gangland

Because we can

9. Channel 3 : I' ve Got A Gun
10. Abrasive Wheels : Vicious Circle
11. The Enemy : Fallen Hero
12. Riot / Clone : Death To Humanity
13. The Wall : Hobby For A Day
14. Disorder : More Than Fights
15. Erazerhead : Shellshock
16. Vice Squad : Resurrection

For all the victims of brutality and mistreatment at the hands of Greek police

They said our feelings were too strong
Our concern would only drag us down
They laughed at all the boys and the girls
Who cried the tears to baptise the world
Tears to baptise the world
Some got rich because they were used
Perfect youth cult so abused
We all gathered to dance and applaud
We cried out no one heard us call
No one heard us call

Try to bury the legend, it's time for the resurrection
Tomorrow's forever, so look ahead
There's more to life than playing dead
Like the neon that lights up the night
Pride and hope once again burn bright
Are you ready for the ressurgence of the unconquered contingent
They'll give the torch to carry, alright
But the unworthy shall bathe in its light
The rich mans gain is the punks loss
You carry the banner that becomes a cross
Banner that becomes a cross

We've got something to shout about
We are the immortal cult
No more fighting, this time stay together
Look ahead, tomorrow's for ever
Tomorrow's forever

Write an epitaph for us all
We'll sit back and calculate your fall
A new strength you could never explain
Born again from your dying pain

We're no pathetic fashion
We're the ultimate faction
We've found ourselves, it's not too late
Strength and unity with our only faith

Size 110 MB
Format : Vinyl LP
Label : Anagram Records
Distributed by Music-Box
Year : 1982
Made in Greece
Bitrate 320

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Dedicate to the Blog NUZZ PROWLING WOLF

America : Greatest Hits 1975

America's Greatest Hits is the first compilation album by American folk rock trio America , released by Warner Bros Records in December 1975 . The first seven tracks of the album , having been recorded prior to producer George Martin's involvement with the group , were remixed by Martin for this release . For example , Martin added a layer of fiddles to "Don't Cross The River ." Additionally , on this album's version of "A Horse With No Name ," a voice can briefly be heard about two minutes into the track . And for this album's version of "I Need You" , some additional bass was brought up further , while the pitch was slowed down a half-a-semitone .


1. A Horse With No Name (Dewey Bunnell)
2. I Need You (Gerry Beckley)
3. Sandman (Bunnell)
4. Ventura Highway (Bunnell)
5. Don't Cross The River (Dan Peek)
6. Only in Your Heart (Beckley)
7. Muskrat Love (Willis Alan Ramsey)
8. Tin Man (Bunnell)
9. Lonely People (Catherine Peek, Dan Peek)
10. Sister Golden Hair (Beckley)
11. Daisy Jane (Beckley)
12. Woman Tonight (Peek)


On the first part of the journey
I was looking at all the life
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rings
The first thing I met was a fly with a buzz
And the sky with no clouds
The heat was hot and the ground was dry
But the air was full of sound

Ive been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
cause there aint no one for to give you no pain
La, la ...

After two days in the desert sun
My skin began to turn red
After three days in the desert fun
I was looking at a river bed
And the story it told of a river that flowed
Made me sad to think it was dead

You see Ive been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
cause there aint no one for to give you no pain
La, la ...

After nine days I let the horse run free
cause the desert had turned to sea
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rings
The ocean is a desert with its life underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love

You see Ive been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
cause there aint no one for to give you no pain .

Size 90 MB
Bitrate 320

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

O S T : Basquiat 1996

Basquiat is a 1996 film directed by Julian Schnabel which is based on the life of American postmodernist/neo expressionist artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. Basquiat, born in Brooklyn,
used his graffiti roots as a foundation to create collage-style paintings on canvas.

Jeffrey Wright portrays Basquiat , and David Bowie plays Basquiat's friend and mentor Andy Warhol . Additional cast include Gary Oldman as a thinly disguised Schnabel , Michael Wincott as the poet and art critic Rene Ricard ; Dennis Hopper as Bruno Bischofberger ; Claire Forlani , Courtney Love and Benicio del Toro in supporting roles as "composite characters" .

The film was written by Schnabel while Lech J. Majewski and John F. Bowe each receives a story credit and Michael Thomas Holman receives a story development credit .


Jeffrey Wright as Jean-Michel Basquiat
David Bowie as Andy Warhol
Gary Oldman as Albert Milo
Michael Wincott as Rene Ricard
Benicio del Toro as Benny Dalmau
o (del Toro's character, Benny, is based on bandmate Wayne Clifford of Gray.
Claire Forlani as Gina Cardinale
Dennis Hopper as Bruno Bischofberger
Tatum O'Neal as Cynthia Kruger
Courtney Love as Big Pink
Christopher Walken as The Interviewer
Willem Dafoe as the Electrician
Parker Posey as Mary Boone
Rene Rivera as Juan
Sam Rockwell as Thug
Vincent Gallo as Himself / Party Guest


1. Van Gogh Boat : Michael Wincott
2. Public Image : Public Image Ltd.
3. It's All over Now, Baby Blue : Van Morrison + Them
4. Suicide Hotline : Nick Marion Taylor
5. I'm Not in Love : Toadies
6. Is That All There Is? : PJ Harvey
7. White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) : Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel
8. Rise : Tripping Daisy
9. These Days : Joy Division
10. She Is Dancing : Brian Kelly
11. Tom Traubert's Blues (Four Sheets to the Wind in Copenhagen) : Tom Waits
12. Small Plot of Land : David Bowie
13. Summer in Siam : The Pogues
14. Last Song I'll Ever Sing : Gavin Friday
15. Hallelujah : John Cale

Size 127 MB
Bitrate 320


Opal : Happy Nightmare Baby 1987

The neo-psychedelic group Opal formed in the mid-'80s , featuring former Rain Parade guitarist David Roback and former Dream Syndicate bassist Kendra Smith . Initially , the group was called Clay Allison , but the group dropped the name after one single . Roback , Smith , and drummer Keith Mitchell released the remaining Clay Allison tracks under their own name in 1984 on the Fell From the Sun EP . After its release , the group adopted the name Opal and released an EP , " Northern Line " , in 1985 . " Happy Nightmare Baby " , their first full-length album , followed in 1987 . Smith left the group during the Happy Nightmare tour , effectively putting an end to the band . Roback continued with vocalist Hope Sandoval . The group then metamorphosed into Mazzy Star . (


1. Rocket Machine
2. Magick Power
3. Relevation
4. A Falling Star
5. She's a Diamond
6. Supernova
7. Siamese Trap
8. Happy Nightmare Baby
9. Soul Giver


There's a diamond
in her eye
it's a shining
up above

and the moon
in the sky
says you won't tell her why

We're gamblers
we'll tell you lies
she'll take a tumble
and never lose
and in the morning
she'll wear a smile
she's made of stone
but that's alright

She's like fire
she's like ice

she'll leave you high and dry
but that's all right
cuz I don't mind
it's alright

I saw her standing
in the pouring rain
her eyes were shining
just the same
she's a diamond
and that's no lie
she's like the the moon
up in the sky

Size 97 MB
Format : Vinyl LP
Label : Rough Trade
Made in England
Year : 1987
Bitrate 320

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PIL : That What Is Not 1992

Rising from the ashes of the pivotal punk rock group the Sex Pistols , PiL branched out to a more experimental sound , and their early work is often regarded as some of the most challenging and innovative music of the post-punk era: the NME described PiL as " Arguably the first post-rock group " . Their later music would be somewhat more conventional , and although PiL has been inactive since 1992 , Lydon (the band's only constant member) considers the group " on hiatus " rather than broken up.


Side One

1. Acid Drops
2. Luck' s Up
3. Cruel
4. God
5. Covered

Side Two

1. Love Hope
2. Unfairground
3. Think Tank
4. Emperor
5. Good Things

Size 113 MB
Format : Vinyl LP
Label : Virgin
Made in UK
Year : 1992
Bitrate 320

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cockney Rebel : The Psychomodo 1974

Steve Harley (born Stephen Malcolm Ronald Nice, Deptford, London, 27 February 1951) , grew up in London's New Cross area and attended the school Haberdashers' Aske's Hatcham College . His musical career began in the late 1960s when he was busking (with John Crocker) and performing his own songs , some of which were later recorded by him and the band . The original Cockney Rebel was formed when Harley hooked up with his former folk music partner , John Crocker (fiddle / mandolin / guitar) in 1972 . They auditioned drummer Stuart Elliott , bassist Paul Jeffreys , and keyboardist Milton Reame-James . They were signed to EMI after playing just five gigs . Their first single "Sebastian", a soaring rock epic ballad , was an immediate success in Europe , though failed to score in the UK Singles Chart . Their debut album , The Human Menagerie , was released in 1973 to critical acclaim , and is still felt by many fans to be their best .

Harley managed to irritate a significant segment of the music press with his self-aggrandisement , even as the music itself was getting rave reviews and gaining a wide audience . It was becoming clear that Harley regarded the band as little more than accompaniment to his own agenda , and already there were signs that things would not last , despite having a big hit with their second single , "Judy Teen" . There then followed the album The Psychomodo , an adventurous and ambitious production which showed that there was real talent in the group . A second single from the album , "Mr. Soft" , was also a big hit .


1. Sweet Dreams 2:05
2. The Psychomodo 4:04
3. Mr.Soft 3:17
4. Singular Band 2:59
5. Ritz 7:15

Side 2

1. Cavaliers 8:45
2. Bed in the Corner 7:45
3. Sling It! 8:45
4. Tumbling Down 9:45

Bonus tracks From 2001 re-release

1. Big Big Deal
2. Such a Dream

Photo 1 : Prince Rupert
Photo 2 : Cromwell's soldiers breaking into the house of a Cavalier


Cavalier was the name used by Parliamentarians for a Royalist supporter of King Charles I during the English Civil War (1642–1651) . Prince Rupert , commander of much of Charles I's cavalry , is often considered an archetypical Cavalier .

( These are the lyrics , sung by Steve Harley . The lyrics in the inside album or the Internet are not complete the same sometimes )

Make mine old time , or i’il spit in your eye
It’s better than lying , anytime . . .
I’m horrified to step outside , I’m trying
very hard to keep up my guard
Everything’s becoming drag , we’d best be off
escape this bad- could be very sad
Misery coming over me , I’m thinking about
going blind and don’t want to see .

Shift around this one-song town
like a sparrow with a broken wing -feeling blue!!!
Terrified to step outside , it’s so easy
to make a suicide come true
Masturbation-getting off ; you can scoff your ideals offer nothing new !
I’m getting ready to run and hide ,
looking for a suitable bitch to crucify .

We’re all beginqing to
testify , testify-it’s getting fierce
We’re all beginning to testify ,
Testify , to be cavaliers
How do you feel now you’ve testified?

Love to have God next to me with his
hands around my throat in harmony
Take away the silver tray , fetch me water
God , give me strength , I’m in pain
Seeing, blow-job blues and boogaloos
Ten little niggers hooked on absinthe and daffodils
Telling tales of white gardinia ,
Honky-tonking all the love that’s in ya!

We’re all beginqing to
Testify , testify-it’s getting fierce
We’re all beginning to testify ,
Testify , to be cavaliers
How does it feel now you’ve testified?

Long-tailed coat , a silly joke ; they drink
like men then see them choke on coca-cola
Morgue-like lips and waitress tips and you
shuffle around on your sabrina hips
Oh ! Make mine old time or I’ll spit in your eye
It’s better than lying-anytime
I'm horrified to step outside , trying very
hard to keep up my guard .

We’re all beginqing to
Testify , testify-it’s getting fierce
We’re all beginning to testify ,
Testify , to be cavaliers
How does it feel now you’ve testified ?


Σκέψεις [8]

Ακούγοντας την ευαισθησία
νοιώθοντας λίγος απέναντι σε συναισθήματα , θύμησες
μοιράζοντας αναμνήσεις , γνώσεις
μοιραζόμενος αγάπη , ελπίδα , κατακτήσεις
ακούγοντας σκεπτόμενα ουρλιαχτά
που οϊμέ μου μοιάζουνε αληθινά

ακούω ανάσες που γίνονται κραυγές
και λόγια που στερεοποιούνται
κλειδιά που χαθήκαν και ξαναβρεθήκαν
κανόνες που παραβήκαν
και αισθήματα που αρπαχθήκαν
καρδιές που διαταραχθήκαν
και χείλη που γλυκαθήκαν
ψυχές που ξεδιάντροπα ανοιχτήκαν
και φωνές της λογικής που ακουστήκαν

ψυχές αγνές , παρθένες , παιδικές
λεύτερες , λυτρωμένες , αινιγματικές
ευαίσθητες , πλήρεις , ειλικρινείς
διψασμένες , στα όρια της ανυπακοής

το βλέμμα και το γέλιο και τη σιωπή
τα λόγια και τα έργα , τη διακοπή
τη δράση , την αντίδραση , τη διαταγή
το δόσιμο , το μοίρασμα την αποδοχή

Θ' άθελα
να σ' αγγίζω και να γιατρευτείς
να σε καλακούω να ονειρευτείς
να σε βλέπω ν' ακροβατείς
να σε αφήνω να δημιουργείς

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

VA - Double Shot LP [1991]

Wipe Out! & OZ Presents
JP VAN Presents

Double Shot

Label: Wipe Out! Records & Boom! Records
Catalog#: WOR 047 & BOOM 46/2
Format: Vinyl, 12", LP
Country: Greece
Released: 1991
Genre: Rock
Style: Powerpop , Garage , Rock & Roll , Blues , 60's , Punk , Dark ...

The Greek Side
Flowers Of Romance - Amaradina
Panx Romana - The Farm Of Madness
No Man's Land - Jericho
Dirty Saints - Nocturnal Love
Brush - Need
Melting Ashes - The Midnight Bar

The Belgian Side
The Midnight Men - Mean Mutha Fuckin' Man
Hibernation - Blow Your Head Off
The Spanks - Gimme Trash
The Japs - Off The Wall
Excessives - Salt
Kris T. & DSE - Your Turn To Blow
The Candy Dates - Always Doing Things
The Stoics - I've Made Up My Mind

Mp3@320 & Scans
132 MB
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Split album , από δύο ανεξάρτητες εταιρίες με μία πλευρά αφιερωμένη σε κάθε χώρα.
Χαρακτηριστικό ότι όλα τα τραγούδια της συλλογής ήταν ακυκλοφόρητα και υπήρχαν μόνο εδώ, σ'αυτή την συλλογή.
Έξυπνη κίνηση , ωραίο το αποτέλεσμα , και μια προσπάθεια να κινηθούν οι δίσκοι της Boom! στην Ελλάδα [Midnight Men , Spanks].
Η προσπάθεια ξανάγινε μια χρονιά αργότερα , [δες εδώ] , ο δίσκος έφτασε και στο Βέλγιο φαντάζομαι.
Στα δικά μας τώρα , οι Panx Romana τραγουδούν στα Αγγλικά τον Συναγερμό με άλλους στίχους, είναι νομίζω το μόνο αγγλόφωνο τραγούδι που έκαναν , το Amaradina φοβερό , οι
Brush καταπληκτικοί , οι Melting Ashes φοβεροί όπως πάντα , με χάλια όμως παραγωγή ,
οι No Man's Land πολύ καλοί και οι Dirty Saints απλά κορυφαίοι...
[ εεε , έχω τα κολλήματα μου βλέπετε...].
Οι Βέλγοι έχουν και δύο κομμάτια παραπάνω , και είναι όλα πάρα πολύ καλά , εγώ ξεχωρίζω όμως το Salt , αυτά και καλή ακρόαση.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Sunnyboys - Days Are Gone


Days Are Gone

Label: Penguin Records
Catalog#: 30.006
Format: 2 x Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Greece
Released: 1986
Genre: Rock
Style: Garage Rock, Power Pop, Rock & Roll

This album originally released by Closer Records, cat# CL 0036, in 1985. In fact it is the "Sunnyboys" album (Mushroom, cat# L37696) along with the "Individuals" album (Mushroom, cat# L37835) released together in a gatefold sleeve.
I Can't Talk To You (2:38)
My Only Friend (3:29)
Troumble In My Brain (3:49)
Gone (3:45)
It's Not Me (3:08)
Happy Man (3:01)
Alone With You (4:05)
Tunnel Of My Love (3:18)
Liar (4:05)
Let You Go (4:40)
I'm Shakin (4:16)
I Can't Talk To You (Reprise) (0:18)
This Is Real (3:36)
Individuals (4:51)
It's A Sunny Day (4:20)
Leaf On A Tree (3:22)
You Need A Friend (4:47)
No Love Around (3:21)
I'm Not Satisfied (4:13)
Days Are Gone (3:11)
You Don't Need Me (3:24)
Colour Of Love (5:48)

Studio I

Studio II


Sydney band The Sunnyboys remain one of the most highly regarded and best-loved bands of the Australian 'post-punk' era. Fronted by the enigmatic and youthful singer/songwriter guitarist Jeremy Oxley, the band breathed some freshness and vitality into the Sydney music scene in the early 80s.

Essentially The Sunnyboys wore their influences on their sleeve; The Remains, The Flamin' Groovies, The Kinks and The Beatles with a dash of Detroit muscle thrown in for good measure. They produced melodic power pop classics and were rewarded with an immediate positive response.

Discography Albums
* The Sunnyboys Mushroom Records (1981)
* Individuals Mushroom Records (May 1982)
* Get Some Fun Mushroom Records (1984)
* Real Live Sunnyboys Mushroom Records (1984)
* Days Are Gone Closer Records (1984)
* Wildcat RCA Records (1989)
* Plays The Best Mushroom Records (July 1991)
* Shakin: Live August 1991 Phantom Records (1992)
* This Is Real: Singles/Live/Rare Feel Presents/Shock Records (20 September 2004)


Ένα από εκείνα τα άλμπουμς που παρακαλάς να μην τελειώσουν, πολυπαιγμένο και πολυακουσμένο , γραμμένο και σε κασέτες για τους φίλους , και από κασέτα έπαιζαν τα
Troumble In My Brain και No Love Around για τους θαμώνες στο παλιόσπιτο τότε...
Ποτέ δεν γνώρισαν την επιτυχία εκτός Αυστραλίας που τους άξιζε , αλλά...
Φρέσκοι ακόμα και σήμερα , ότι πρέπει για τα θερινά σας πάρτυ. Α! σας μένει και δώρο η καρτούλα...