Crass were an English punk band , formed in 1977 which promoted anarchism as a political ideology , way of living , and as a resistance movement .
Crass popularized the seminal anarcho-punk movement of the punk subculture , and advocated direct action , animal rights , and environmentalism .
The band both utilised and advocated a "Do It Yourself" approach , producing sound collages , graphics , albums and films .
Crass also criticized and attempted to subvert the dominant culture with messages promoting feminism , anti-racism , anti-war , and anti-globalization .

DO THEY Owe US A LIVING ? (Well?...Do They?)
Fuck the politically minded, here's something I want to say,
About the state of nation, the way it treats us today.
At school they give you shit, drop you in the pit,
You try and try and try to get out, but you can't because they've fucked you about.
Then you're a prime example of how they must not be,
This is just a sample of what they've done to you and me.
Do they owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Don't want me anymore, cos I threw it on the floor.
They used to call me sweet thing, I'm nobody's plaything,
And now that I am different, they'd love to bust my head,
They'd love to see me cop-out, they'd love to see me dead.
Do they owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
The living that is owed to me I'm never going to get,
They've buggered this old world up, up to their necks in dept.
They'd give you a lobotomy for something you aint done,
They'll make you an epitomy of everything that's wrong.
Do they owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Don't take any notice of what the public think,
They're so hyped up with T.V., they just don't want to think.
They'll use you as a target for demands and for advice,
When you don't want to hear it they'll say you're full of vice.
Do they owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Of course they do, of course they do.
Owe us a living?
Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother?
Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother?
Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother?
Mother? She's the anti-mother, mommy is that you?
She's the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?
It's Myra Hindley on the cover,
Your very own sweet anti-mother.
There she is on the pages of The Star,
Ain't that just the place you wish you were?
Let her rot in hell is what you said,
Let her rot, let her starve, you'd see her dead.
Let her out but don't forget to tell you where she is,
The chance to screw her is a chance you wouldn't miss.
Let her suffer, give her pain is the verdict you gave,
You just can't wait to piss on her grave.
You pretend that you're horrified, make out that you care,
But really you wish that you had been there.
You say you can't bear the thought of what she did,
But you'd do it to her, you'd see her dead.
Tell me, what is the difference between her and you?
You say that you would kill her, well, what else would you do?
Don't you see that violence has no end? Isn't limited by rules?
Don't you see as angels preaching you're nothing but the fools?
Fools step in, where angels fear to tread,
You see, to kill others is the ethic of the dead.
She's the anti-mother, mommy is that you?
She's the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?
That single mug shot from the past
Ensures your fantasy can last and last.

It gives you the chance to air your hate
Because she got there first, you were too late.
Hindleys' crime was to do what others think,
Took her anger and her prejudice and pushed it to the brink.
Then you goodly christian people, with your sickly mask of love,
Would tear that woman limb from limb, you'd never get enough.
So you keep the story alive,
So you can make yourselves believe,
That you are so much better than her.
But you aren't, that's YOUR GUILT laying there.
She's the anti-mother, mommy is that you?
She's the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?
She's the anti-mother, mommy is that you?
She's the anti-mother, mother, mother is that you?
Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother? Mother?
1. Mother-Earth
2. White Punks on Hope
3. You've Got Big Hands
4. Darling
5. System
6. Big Man, Big M.A.N.
7. Hurry up Garry
8. Fun Going On
9. Crutch of Society
10 Heard Too Much About
11. Chairman of the Bored
12. Tired
13. Walls
14. Upright Citizen
15. The Gasman Cometh
16. Demo(N)Crats
17. Contaminational Power
18. Time Out
19. I Ain't Thick, It's Just a Trick
20 .Untitled
21 . Live at Islington , pt.1
22 . Live at Islington , pt.2
23 . Live at Islington , pt.3
24 . Do They Owe Us a Living?
25 . Punk Is Dead"
Size : 184 MB
Bitrate 320
1. Mother-Earth
2. White Punks on Hope
3. You've Got Big Hands
4. Darling
5. System
6. Big Man, Big M.A.N.
7. Hurry up Garry
8. Fun Going On
9. Crutch of Society
10 Heard Too Much About
11. Chairman of the Bored
12. Tired
13. Walls
14. Upright Citizen
15. The Gasman Cometh
16. Demo(N)Crats
17. Contaminational Power
18. Time Out
19. I Ain't Thick, It's Just a Trick
20 .Untitled
21 . Live at Islington , pt.1
22 . Live at Islington , pt.2
23 . Live at Islington , pt.3
24 . Do They Owe Us a Living?
25 . Punk Is Dead"
Size : 184 MB
Bitrate 320
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