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Savina Yannatou (Greek: Σαβίνα Γιαννάτου / born March 16 , 1959 in Athens) is a renowned Greek female singer .
She studied singing at the Greek National conservatory in Athens and later at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. In 1979 she began working as a professional and two years later participated in the recording of the critically acclaimed album "Εδώ Λιλιπούπολη" ("Edo Lilipoupoli", "Lilipoupolis here"); following that, her career took off and has since released numerous albums, singing in different languages. Her repertoire consists mainly of Mediterranean , Renaissance , Baroque and Sephardic songs , although she has a keen interest in classical , jazz and avant-garde music .
Yannatou is also a songwriter ("Rosa das Rosas", "Dreams of the mermaid"), as well as a composer for theater ("Medea" for the National Theatre of Greece) , dance theater and video art. Currently she's an ECM artist.
Sephardic music was born in medieval Spain , with cantigas being performed at the royal courts . Since then , it has picked up influences from across Spain , Morocco , Argentina , Turkey , Greece and various popular tunes from Spain and further abroad . There are three types of Sephardic songs , topical and entertainment songs , romance songs and spiritual or ceremonial songs .
Lyrics can be in several languages , including Hebrew for religious songs , and Ladino.

These song traditions spread from Spain to Morocco (the Western Tradition) and several parts of the Ottoman Empire (the Eastern Tradition) including Greece , Jerusalem , the Balkans and Egypt . Sephardic music adapted to each of these locales , assimilating North African high-pitched , extended ululations ; Balkan rhythms , for instance in 9/8 time ; and the Turkish maqam mode .
Songs which are song by women are traditionally sung while performing household tasks , without accompaniment or harmony . Tambourines and other percussion instruments are sometimes used , especially in wedding songs . Men have added oud and qanun to the instrumentation , and more modern performers incorporate countless other imported instruments .

The early 20th century saw some popular commercial recordings of Sephardic music come out of Greece and Turkey , followed by Jerusalem and other parts of the Eastern Tradition .

The first performers were mostly men , including the Turks Jack Mayesh , Haim Efendi and Yitzhak Algazi . Later , a new generation of singers arose , many of whom were not themselves Sephardic .
Gloria Levy , Pasharos Sefardies , Flory Jagoda and Janet & Jak Esim Ensemble are popular Eastern Tradition performers of this period . Gerard Edery , Savina Yannatou , Stefani Valadez , Francoise Atlan and Yasmin Levy and are among the new generation of singers bringing a new interpretation to the Ladino/Judeo-Spanish heritage and , in the case of Levy and Edery , mixing it with Andalusian Flamenco.
From the sephardic music roots has grown a large corpus of original new classical music , Notable among modern composers are:
* Yitzhak Yedid, who has composed mostly for chamber groups, strives to combine classical genres with improvisation of Sephardic roots and arabic music. Yedid's composition 'Oud Bass Piano Trio' is a good example of this.
* Betty Olivera, who has takes traditional Jewish melodies – both Ashkenazic and Sephardic – and sets them in complex, profoundly dissonant contexts. Her work Serafim for soprano, clarinet, violin, cello and piano is a good example of this.
* Taippi Fleischer, who has composed vocal works that merge contemporary Western compositional techniques with the modal, quartertone scales of Arabic music.

Τα Σεφαραδίτικα, λαϊκά τραγούδια των Ισπανοεβραίων , ερμηνευμένα σε αυτή τη συλλογή από τη Σαβίνα Γιαννάτου , συνιστούν στο σύνολό τους ένα αρκετά αντιφατικό όσο και γοητευτικό μωσαϊκό . Ο Ευρωπαϊκός Μεσαίωνας , η Βυζαντινή και Αραβοπερσική παράδοση συνυπάρχουν με στοιχεία από τη λαϊκή μουσική της Ιβηρικής , της Βαλκανικής και της ευρύτερης Μεσογείου . Πρόκειται για παραδοσιακά τραγούδια φτιαγμένα από τους Ισπανοεβραίους της Θεσσαλονίκης , που , έως πριν 50 χρόνια , ακούγονταν θλιμμένα ή όλο κέφι στις φτωχογειτονιές της πόλης .
Του Γεντί Κουλέ περνώντας θα δεις τη φυλακή,
τήνε ζώνουν ένα γύρο τοίχοι πολύ αψηλοί .
Εκεί για σένα βρίσκομαι στα σίδερα δεμένος
και μέσα στο μπουντρούμι μου θρηνώ απελπισμένος .
Το φως μου το στερήσανε , βάσανο είν' η ζωή μου ,
το χάρο εγώ κορίτσι μου , τον βλέπω απέναντί μου .
Εγώ ' μαι μες τη φυλακή κι εσύ μες τα λουλούδια ,
πονάει το στήθος μου η καρδιά , θέλω για με να κλάψεις .
Απ' του Γεντί Κουλέ τις φυλακές έλα , μιά βόλτα κάνε
για να δεις σε τι μαύρο χάλι οι μέρες μου περνάνε .
Μαύρο φουστανάκι τράβα τώρα ράψε ,
και στη συναγωγή λάδι για μένα τάξε .
1. La Cantiga Del Fuego - Το Τραγούδι Της Πυρκαγιάς 3:18
2. Morenica - Μελαχρινούλα 2:57
3. Alta Es La Luna - Ψηλά Είναι Το Φεγγάρι 2:45
4. Tres Hermanicas Eran - Τρεις Αδελφούλες Ήταν 3:35
5. Los Bilbilicos - Τ' Αηδονάκια 4:25
6. Ya Salió De La Mar - Βγήκε Από Τη Θάλασσα Η Αρχόντισσα 3:38
7. El Sueno Del Hija Del Rey - Το Όνειρο Της Βασιλοπούλας 4:50
8. Yedí Kulé - Γεντί Κουλέ 5:40
9. El Encalador - Ο Ασπριτζής 2:45
10. Morena - Μελαχρινή 2:05
11. Durme, Hermoso Hijico - Κοιμήσου, Γιόκα Μου Γλυκέ 2:25
12. Primavera En Salonico - Άνοιξη Στη Σαλονίκη 2:50
Label : LYRA
Year : 1994
Format : Vinyl LP ( Sorry for the scraches )
Aριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκηs
Διανομή : Κίνησιs
Κορυφαίο Κώστα... Ευχαριστώ για την αφιέρωση και την ανάρτηση!
ReplyDeleteΡε παιδιά τι μου θυμίσατε τώρα. Το χω το βινύλιο λιωμένο στο ντουλάπι. Χίλια ευχαριστώ!!!
ReplyDeleteVotre blog est tres interessant.
She is stunning - not only one of the world's great singers but a true artist whose work is a testament to vision and imagination...
@ dugg : I agree my friend . I met her at the roukounas beach (Anafi Island) , 10 years ago . She was simple her . A great person .