

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Various: Gothik 1995

Cleopatra Records is a Los Angeles-based independent record label.

Disc 1
Size 191 MB

1. Rosetta Stone : Nothing Important [Important Mix]
2. Eva O Halo Experience : Children of the Light
3. Fahrenheit 451 : Strangers
4. Blitz : Second Empire Justice-Telecommunication
5. The Wake : Side Show
6. Executive Slacks : I'm Coming ( Ειμαι η Σκατουλα και μολις τελειωσα )
7. Big Electric Cat : Orchid Dreaming
8. Children on Stun : Cats or Devils Eyes [Rosetta Stone Mix]
9. Alien Sex Fiend : Ignore the Machine
10. E.X.P : Neuro
11. Black Atmosphere : Eternal Ocean
12. Midnight Configuration : The Wake
13. Death Ride 69 : Elvis Christ
14. Brotherhood of Pagans : Resurrection
15. Prophetess : Alone
16. Ex Voto : Emmanuelle

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Disc 2
Size 185 MB

1. Mephisto Waltz : Mephisto Waltz
2. Two Witches : The Omen
3. Kommunity FK : We Will Not Fall
4. Christian Death : Haloes
5. Usherhouse : November Rain
6. Screams for Tina : Kristen
7. Super Heroines : Remembering Love
8. Aurora : The Garden of Temptation
9. Switchblade Symphony : Gutter Glitter
10. Icon : Exit
11. 45 Grave : Wax
12. Aria : Last Expressions
13. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry : Talk About the Weather
14. Nosferatu : Keeper's Call
15. Wrekage : Believe
16. Gitane Demone : Heavenly Melancholy
17. Corpus Delicti : Patient

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Bitrate 320
Year 1995
Label : Cleopatra Records


  1. Gracias por este aporte

  2. hi there!found your blog in the web.thank you for sharing some great stuff.thank you from the bottom of my heart.found some stuff which i was searching for.with friendly regards from vienna
    ps:do you sell some stuff from your collection?
    want to buy some records from you if it´s
    possible.please send a mail IF you sell some
