

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The ( International ) Noise Conspiracy : A New Morning - Changing Weather 2001

With roots in five different bands, the (International) Noise Conspiracy formed during the latter half of 1998 in Umea, Sweden. The quintet set out to use its music as an attack against capitalist at large by taking the universal idea of popular culture and molding the basis of its phenomenon into statements of resistance. As for the music, the band created a hybrid of garage rock and 1960s soul mixed with the punk of the late 1970s.


1. A Northwest Passage
2. Up For Sale
3. Bigger Cages, Longer Chains
4. Breakout 2001
5. A Body Treatise
6. Born Into A Mess
7. New Empire Blues
8. Capitalism Stole My Virginity
9. Last Century Promise
10.Dead Language Of Love
11.A New Morning, Changing Weather


Nowhere is untouched by the shame
Who said we could get by with our childhood games
Days of innocence are all long gone
Avoid the shock honey and try to live on

Woke up all paralyzed
All dreams corrupted in front of our eyes
Cause on every forehead of every little whore
There's a sign that says, 'baby don't come back no more'

Distasteful ugly and cheap
That is how you make me feel, I said
Capitalism stole my virginity
Capitalism stole, capitalism stole
Capitalism stole my virginity

Robbed out of our bleeding hearts
Smashed our illusions, tore them all apart
Now we are unsentimental and unafraid
To destroy this culture that we hate

Sort of tired of being nothing
When, when we should be everything
On every forehead of every little whore
There's a sign that says, 'baby we're all born to die'

Distasteful ugly and cheap
That is how you make me feel, I said
Capitalism stole my virginity
Capitalism stole, capitalism stole
Capitalism stole - yeah

We are all sluts, cheap products
In someone else's notebook
We are all sluts, cheap products
In someone else's notebook

Distasteful ugly and cheap
That is how you make me feel, I said
Capitalism stole my virginity

Capitalism stole, capitalism stole
Capitalism stole my virginity, oh yeah

Size 109 MB
Label : Epitaph Records
Bitrate 320

MP3 Size: 107 MB Take it Here
Flac Size: 347 MB Take it Here


  1. mipos yparxi otidipote apo elfish rec.?thnks for IN TRANCE 95.Ta T.Backley ine ''skoyomena''an borite na ta 3anavalete...thnks again.

  2. A great album in every way; Musicaly, Lyricaly and stylishly How Rock'n'Roll should be.

  3. I was pleasantly surprised with this one when I got it...

  4. Τι εννοεις με τη λεξη skoyomena ?Πες μας τι ακριβως προβλημα υπαρχει με τον Tim Buckley και σε ποιο αλμπουμ και θα το κοιταξουμε

  5. orthografiko lathos aderfe, ta link duleuoun ala t'arxeia einai katastremena, ola ta T.Buckley.

  6. Ελενξα ολα τα αλμπουμ του Buckley.Οντως υπηρχε σφαλμα στο Goodbye and hello . Τωρα ολα λειτουργουν σωστα. Τhanx για την επισημανση .

  7. Any chance for a lossless upload, dear Kostas?

    1. New Flac link is ready now. Many thanks for your comment ☺️.
